5th Annual Music Festival - Open to the public
Gates open at 11:00am
12 bands Music from 12pm-9pm
Gate admission $15
Gates open at 11:00am
12 bands Music from 12pm-9pm
Gate admission $15
Gates open at 1pm
Kitchen & bar open at 2pm
Music from 3pm-7pm by The Eddie Rodick Band
Theme - Vintage 158
Gates open at 1:00pm
Admission $8
Kitchen and bar open at 2:00pm
Music from 3:00pm-7:00pm
Gates open at 1pm
Admission $8
Kitchen & Bar open at 2pm
Music from 3pm-7pm by The Jeff Pecon Band
Join us for Family Fun Day Shell-ebration: Under the Sea!!
Join us for a full day of great music, food, dancing, raffles and fun for the whole family
Kid’s Activities begin at 1pm, Crafts, interactive Bubble station Giant bubble show with Chelsie the Bubble Lady and more!
Admission $5 -16 and under free
Kitchen and bar open at 2:00pm
Music & dancing from 3:00pm-7:00pm
Music by the Don Wojtila Band
Gates open at 1pm
Admission $8
Kitchen & bar open at 2pm
Parade is at 2:45pm
Music 3pm-7pm by The Joey Tomsick Orchestra
Time 2:00pm-6:00pm
Music, food, prizes, raffle, cash bar
Booze cooler raffle - $5.00 for one or $20.00 for five
Clambake w/chicken - $40 Chicken no clams - $30
Clambake w/steak - $54 Steak no clams - $42
Extra dozen clams w/dinner - $13 Kids meal - $5
Dinners include corn on the cob, sweet potato, cole slaw, roll, clam chowder, and dessert!
Reservations: email snpjlodge142@gmail.com
Provide menu request and venmo payment
Mail: Make check payable to SNPJ Lodge 142, 7271 Port Royal Ct, Mentor, OH 44060
Include name, address, contact info, menu selection, raffle tickets, and total
Carol (440) 856-9961
Gates open at 1pm
Kitchen and bar open at 2pm
Parade at 2:45pm
Music and dancing by The Tony Fortuna Band from 3pm-7pm
Music and dancing from 12pm-8pm
Vote for your favorite Slovenian Sausage from local vendors!
Gates open at 12pm
$15 gate admission
Kitchen opens at 1pm
Music and dancing from 1pm-7pm
Music by The Eddie Rodick Band & The Frank Stanger Band
Gates open at 1pm
Kitchen and bar 2pm-7pm
Music and dancing from 2pm-8pm
Music by - Patty C & The Guys Bill Bevec Band
Rex Taneiri Band The Zolkas Band
Bill Bevec (419) 344-1879
Admission $15
Gates open at 1pm
Kitchen and bar open at 2pm
Music and dancing from 3pm-7pm
Music by The Joe Novak Band
Annual Lou Novak Balina Tournament - Karen (216) 965-3181
Gates open at 12pm
Polka Mass 1pm with Father Norm and Father Bob
Kitchen and bar open at 2pm
Music from 3pm-7pm - The Jeff Pecon Band
Chef Dean’s Famous Fried Bologna Sandwiches
Lake Erie Chapter BCCA picnic (Brewery Collectibles Club of America)
Public welcome - Rodger (440) 334-7561 for BCCA information
Gates open at 12 noon
Kitchen and bar open at 1pm
Music from 1pm-7pm
The Zolkas Band and Likovic & Friends
120 year Anniversary of SNPJ
85th Anniversary of SNPJ Farm Kirtland
Gates open at 12 noon
$13 till 3pm $15 after 3pm
Kitchen opens at 1pm
Music from 1pm to 7pm
Music by Klancnik & Friends and The Frank Stanger Band
Gates open at 1pm - FREE ADMISSION!!
Kitchen and bar open at 2pm
Music from 3pm-7pm - The Don Wojtila Band
Gates open at 1pm - kitchen and bar open at 2pm
Breaded Pork Chop dinners available
Music from 3pm-7pm with The Bob Kravos Band
Gates open at 12pm - Kitchen and bar open at 12pm
Music by The Chardon Polka Band from 1pm-5pm!!
Kids activities and crafts 1pm-3pm
Jungle Terry 3pm
Gates open at 12 noon
$13 till 3pm $15 after 3pm
Kitchen opens at 1pm
Music and dancing from 1pm-7pm
Musc by the The Don Wojtila Band & The Frank Stanger Band
15 Bands, over 30 Crafters
$10 in advance - $15 at the gate
For advance tickets call Don at (440) 283-9373 Srnicks@msn.com Polka Hall of Fame
Cash only, no ATM on site
Bill Azman Sausages, Nick Tomba Catering, Our SNPJ kitchen, Wily Nilly’s wood fired pizza,
Wojtila’s Bakery, Ice Cream Truck, and Kettle Corn
Sponsored by Monreal Srnick Funeral & Cremations
Inside Band Schedule: 12:30pm Culkar-Golub Band, 1:30pm Valenic’s & Friends, 2:30pm Bob Kravos Band, 3:30pm Eddie Rodick Band, 4:30pm Dukes of Darrowville 5:30pm Dick & Jack Tady & The Tady Bears, 6:30pm Ron Likovic & Friends
7:30pm Tommy’s Beatles Tribute Band, 8:30pm-10:00pm Jam Session
Outside Band Schedule: 12:00pm Jeff Pecon Band, 1:00pm Rex Taneri
2:00pm Patty C and The Guys, 300pm Frank Moravcik Band, 4:00pm Don Wojtila Band
5:00pm Vince Rigler Band, 6:00pm Rob DeBlander Band
Live music provided by Stratford Hill
Price $15 in advance and $20 at the gate - includes entrance, free pizza, and live band
Dress to win our Costume Contest !!! Winners receive a cash prize
Full cash bar available Draft beers only $1 Designated drivers drink free!!
Sponsored by Monreal-Srnick Funeral Home
Gate opens at 1:00pm
More details to follow
Gate opens at 1:00pm
Parade at 2:45pm
Music from 3:00pm-7:00pm
Music by Tony Fortuna and the JTO Band
More details to follow
More details to follow
Gate opens at 12noon
Music from 1pm - 7pm
Music by The Eddie Rodick Band and The Frank Stanger Band
Gate opens at 1:00pm
Kitchen opens at 2:00pm
Music from 3:00pm-7:00pm by The Zolka Band
Gate opens at 1:00pm
Kitchen opens at 2:00pm
Lou Novak Balina Tournament
Music by Likovic and Friends
Cabbage Roll dinners available
Gate opens at 1:00pm
Kitchen opens at 2:00pm
Music from 3:00 to 7:00 by The Don Wojtila Orchestra
Gate opens at 12 noon
Kitchen opens at 1:00pm
Music from 1:00pm to 7:00pm
Music by The Eddie Rodick Band and also The Jeff Pecon Band
Gate opens at 12 noon
Music from 1pm - 7pm
Music by The Frank Stanger Band and Klancnik & Friends
Gate opens at 1:00pm
Kitchen opens at 2:00pm
Music by the Garrett Tatano Band from 3:00pm-7:00pm
Every Dad gets one free drink and a sandwich
Music by the Garrett Tatano Band from 2pm - 6pm
Pig Roast dinners served by Maple Heights Catering from 3pm - 4pm - Pig Roast is $40 and includes gate admission
Kids games & activities all day! Raffles and sideboards
Dinners sold by mail and through Eventbrite. Meal tickets will be distributed at the gate on the day of the picnic and must be purchased by May 24th
Please contact Carol Maruszak at (440) 655-8776
Gates open at Noon
Music from 1pm - 7pm
Music by The Del Sinchack Band and The Frank Stanger Band
Gates open at 11:00am
Craft vendors from 11:00am to 5:00pm
Music from 12noon to 10:00pm
There will be 16 polka bands, 40+ craft vendors, Bill Azman’s award-winning Slovenian sausages, a wine bar, and a food truck along with various food vendors. Gerri Trebets and her crew will also be cooking up some delicious food in our kitchen.
SNPJ grounds offer balina courts, cornhole, horseshoes, and a great playground for the kids
Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the gate
For advance tickets call Don Srnick at (440) 283-9373 or email at srnicks@msn.com
You can also call the Polka Hall of Fame at (216) 261-3263
12:30 Fairport Harbor Jammers
1:30 Brian Somrack Band
2:30 Fred Ziwick Band
3:30 Patty C & The Guys
4:30 The Zolka Band
5:30 Jeff Pecon Band with Joey Miskulin
6:30 Don Wojtila Band
7:30 Frank Moravcik Band
12noon Joey Tomsick Band
1:00 KTB Kim/Terry/Brian
2:00 Eddie Rodick Jr
3:00 Jack Tady & the Tady Bears
4:00 Anthony Culkar Band
5:00 Valencic’s and Friends
6:00 Bob Kravos Band
7:00 Likovic and Friends
Gates open at 6pm
Music 7pm - 11pm
Live music provided by Stratford Hill
Price at gate - $20.00 - Includes Entrance, Free Pizza, and Prizes
Dress to win our Costume Contest!!! - Winners will receive a cash prize
Full cash bar available
Draft beers for only $1.00
Designated Drivers drink free!